>> Thursday, June 11, 2009
This is a very common phrase here in Malaysia, "Wah...your England damn terror ah !" and most who have this directed at take it good-heartedly. Wouldn't we rather speak English rather than England ? It's just like when I had a colleague ask if I am Christmas (rather than Christian). I am a Malaysian who never realized that the English language was not a subject compulsory to pass in the high school (SPM) examinations. I always thought that it was until recently when the government publicized this. Not too long back I was asked to assist a division to source for a Secretary and I was shocked at the level of English competency of some of these overseas graduates; government scholars no doubt. How did they even make it through the 1st day of uni ! When I asked them a question, sometimes there was just silence. So I did the most logical thing...chuck their resume into the bin ! What else ? These fresh graduates ask for the world yet offer nothing more than a rotten pea in return. First of all, why even bother applying for a position with a foreign company when you can't even speak the language. I heard someone comment on the radio this morning, "if you can't survive in Malaysia, how can you survive outside Malaysia ?". Lady, I soooo agree with you. Our government says they want to make passing the English language at high school level compulsory yet the rural folks have so much to say. Living in the shell that they are so used to, are more concerned that their kids pass the exam rather than be concern that what they learn help them in their careers. They say that their rural kids will suffer because they wil nt be able to cope or catch up. So what ? Isn't it better to suffer now than much later ? The fear only shows that there is much to learn. I hate science subjects so can I appeal to the government to just scrap the darn subjects so I can pass my exams ? These kampung (village) folks and just so ignorant and bodoh (stupid) ! Everything also cannot this and cannot that and it's no wonder that until now still cannot anything ! Learn lah !!! Then there are those who actually memorize the use of words in a sentence. I came across a person who commented that a lady's dress was arrogant...WHAT ??? Oh, thinking that I did not understand the word, she repeated herself and stressed A-R-R-O-G-A-N-T... very class (classy) lah she said again. Yep..she meant ELEGANT ! This is what we call "England language". It may seem funny now but as we embark on our careers, it will no longer be funny. The fools will end up waaaaay behind, dictionary in hand. Laugh if one must but if there is no effort, there will never be progress.
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