"mat rempit" a.k.a. malaysian road bullies
>> Thursday, May 14, 2009
First they were a group of bikers who would meet in groups. The can usually be seen loitering around 7-Eleven outlets and roadside stalls. If it happened to be a weekend, they would take part in illegal racing around. Then they progressed. They became bold. They became a nuisance. In the past, these mat rempits would only try to escape from the law but now, they will cause injury if it means their escape. I believe some of them do it just for fun - just for the sake of doing it. At about the same time, there were many rumors going around that they had progressed to drugs and the flesh trade. Taking things a step further, these good for nothing idiots even bet their girlfriends in races. We Malaysians are dark haired otherwise these sily women and girls would certainly qualify as "bimbos" or "dumb blonds". Where is their dignity and self-worth ? Until a time, I stopped reading about the mat rempits. I refused to give them the attention that they were seeking. I just listened to what friends and colleagues told me. Progress was never far from the minds of these mat rempits. Next, they started victimizing road users. Especially if you are a woman and driving when the roads are quiet, these idiots will surround the car and break the windows or windscreen with their helmets or some handy object and rob you. And when you think about all the things they've done, driving becomes a frightening task especially if you're a lone female driver. When I'm driving, I usually don't stop at traffic lights when there are no other cars around. But I do slow down to make sure that there is no oncoming traffic or traffic from other directions. I leave for work very early and many roads are still quiet and without traffic.
What would I do if I came face to face with the mat rempits ? Honestly ? I'd go all down on the accelerator and if the mat rempits are in my way, I'd mow then down. If any one of them come after me, I'd just knock them all down. Since they've not shown and respect not love for life, I will assume that there's no worth to their life. Needless to say, I'd drive to the closest police station. They might be faster than me but they're also lighter, less stable and at least, I am protected by the shell of my car, right ?
A few days back, I read a letter addressed to the editor of our local newspaper. This writer goes on to mention that these mat rempits are "crying out for attention", "listen to what they're saying". I began to wonder if this was one fool that needs to be knocked really hard on the head ! Oh yes, they are indeed crying out for attention but the more attention we give them, the worse they become. They have since become a terrifying menace to society. And what are they saying ? They are telling me that they're a lazy bunch of assholes who prefer not to work and resort to crime as a means of living. They're likely to blame everything on their hard life (whatever that means) and as soon as they're caught, I am confident that they will beg for leniency because they have dependents. Should have thought about that earlier right ?
Somewhere in mid post, I said that these idiots support progress but are we going to allow them to progress to murder and other life threatening crimes without doing anything. Is the law going to be kind to them ? Throw these assholes in jail and throw the keys away ! Let them rot in hell.
This morning, I started to laugh when I read "Minister awaits Mat Rempit Report" where the RTD (Road Transport Department), suggested (amongst others) that these "terrorists" should be made to pick dog poo from public places, scrape chewing gum off roads, do community service, wear T-shirts with the words "I am a snatch thief" and introducing heavier penalties such as making them pay their victim's medical bills ! Does the RTD think that the T-Shirts will be taken seriously ? Many will think that it's just one of those T-Shirts just like those that read "I Want Money...More Money...More More Money". Aren't these suggestions just a feather-like slap compared to teh trauma that their victim's have undergone. And have they forgotten that not al mat rempits are snatch thieves ? They are robbers, murderers, terrorists....! And it goes on to say that "no time frame has been set for the study". Helloooooo....waiting for what some more. The durians have fallen but not yet on your head right ? I feel that the only time this issue will get the government's fullest and undivided attention is when it happens to someone of importance like our Transport Minister !
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