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>> Monday, July 6, 2009

And yet I do not feel tired ! I have tried everything from herbal remedies to sleeping medication. Lavander smells great but does nothing for me. I wake up at least 4-6 times a night, look at the clock and toss and turn until I finally fall back to sleep. When the alarm finally goes off, I feel as though I've just gone to sleep. My eyes feel like they're on fire, my body stiff. After a while, the aches and pains disappear and I'm back to my usual self. Insomnia is defined here. When friends complain about a bad night, I always wonder what they mean. What they call a bad night is a usual night for me. Too many have offered me advise - stop drinking coffee, don't watch TV immediately before sleep, read a book - I'VE TRIED IT ALL ! I've just got a brain that won't stop working. Shall I keep trying or shall I just leave it up to nature ?



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