i say i will do but i never do
>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I often make plans and seldom see these plans through. Is it human nature or is it procastination ? Plans always seem interesting at first and suddenly when it comes to making it actually happen, I simply put the plan off because it can wait ! Aiyoh it happens to most of us. I have been thinking of cleaning my ceiling fans for over a month now and when the weekend arrives, every excuse available to mankind will run through my head; I deserve a rest after working so hard, work so hard will make me too tired to work on Monday, fall down lah...and the list goes on and on and on and on. I am asking myself if it's really so hard to bring the ladder out, put some water in a pail and get that darn bottle of whatever spray it is out from wherever ? Of course lah. I am a self-professed and certified couch-potato, piggy, snake, python or whatever else you want to call it. It's no wonder that I can only expand sideways (yes, I AM). All I can think of doing is catching my zzzzzzz ! Wanna hear about my earlier endeavour(s) ? Yeah....it started with vitamins, then it was exercise, then it was unpacking (and yes, I am still in a packed state from over a year ago), baking (yes again, I have expired stuff as proof), repotting my plants (yeah, yeah, yeah) and only God knows what else I have been dreaming of. Living alone is surely loads of fun no ? Hell....I don't have anyone to remind me of what I said I would do ! In conclusion, I deserve to be what I am....python, pig, potato, fat butt and all ! I only dance to the tune of the snake charmer....zzzzzzzz
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