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goodbye bubbles

>> Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bubbles left us for Rainbow Bridge on 10 September 2010. He has been ill for some time now. His last major visit to the vest was about 3 months back when he was overly exhausted and after an extensive consultation with the vet, it was suspected that Bubbles had a heart ailment. His lungs had water and he was medicated with Lasix. He got better until the end of August when my aunt discovered that he had a lump near his penis. After a few days the lump got a lot bigger and we took him to the vet again. The vet suspected cancer but when he attempted a blood test, the results were false because the blood was mixed with pus. Again, Bubbles was put on antibiotics and was supposed to visit the vet again in 3 weeks. On the morning of 10 September, I received a call from my aunt who told me that it seems as though Bubbles was too tired to fight any longer. He refused to eat or swallow and was so weak that he could not even stand up. Being a public holiday, it was just crazy trying to contact the vet. Finally we had an appointment for 1pm. As my aunt was carrying him outside the vet, Bubbles bid us goodbye at about 12.50pm.

Bubbles, we will miss you so much, you beautiful boy with an even more beautiful soul. May you run like the wind, free from pain and suffering from now. You have taught us the real meaning of inner beauty and we will love you always.

Rest in Peace
25 November 2001 - 10 September 2010



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