friendship vs ME
>> Thursday, May 20, 2010
Being the very verbal person that I am, I am now in a predicament. I feel that I am made to choose between friendship and my opinion. It's a very tough decision to make since I believe that we are who we are. Don't you agree ? Knowledge and opinions are a part of education... For me, knowledge is learning from others who are willing to share with me and for me to pass that knowledge on to the other person who's interested. Opinions are equally important when we are willing to listen to what others have to say. It is an exchange of knowledge and no less of a learning process. I was a committee member of our Residents' Association but recently resigned due to work commitments. I remain true to myself and challenged the management whenever I felt or feel something amiss. Because of my opinions, I have somehow gotten myself into some friends' bad books and I am constantly getting the cold shoulder. Is that right ? Does friendship mean that I have to be a "yes" person and constantly agree to what others have to say ? While I value every friendship, I equally value the person that I am.